Thursday, June 02, 2005

Todays rantings:

I went to a concert yesterday with a band from St.Olaf college USA. they were really good, three "bands" in all. A concert band (hmm, concert bands and jetlag don't mix). The St.Olaf choir (OMG they are so good!). And the orchestra (the concert master was sooo into the music, the guy sitting directly behind him was SOOOO not!).
My fiancee went to St.Olaf for 4 years, so we hung about a lot talking to the ones she recognized (she was in the concert band).

The concert band conductor Timothy "Tim" Marr seems nice, we talked to him in one of the intermissions "Hold on to her.. she's a fine girl" and "I hugged her before she hugged you". I'm sure he's a barrel of laughs with a beer in his hand, too bad he had other plans last night. Oh well.. I guess it's fair enough that when you travel halfway around the globe that you have a tight schedule.

A bit irritating was the fact that the Queen was present at the concert. Not that I think she shouldn't be allowed at great concerts, but why couldn't she use the box on the wall... IT'S THERE FOR A REASON!. Instead she chose to sit with the crowd. which meant that 6 times we all had to stand up and wait for her as she entered or left. (good thing she didn't need to use the toilet during the concert!)


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